We are so excited you are here!
🚀 The Impact launch system has compiled the most powerful social media strategies to give you play-by-play, day by day posts to boost your business.
Each day, for 60 days, you will receive a text message with links which give you exactly what to post designed by top industry experts. These posts have proven to create results – when you follow the guidelines. 📝
Here is some texting info you can refer to during this 60 day campaign.
1 - The texting campaign consists of 60 days of daily texts.
2 - Random texts to promote promos may be sent in addition to the daily texts.
3 - Replying to the texts by answering the questions will help ensure future texts aren't flagged as spam.
4 - At any time if you'd like to stop receiving the daily texts, text the word NO DAILY to the number you are receiving texts from.
5 - If you want to stop all communication from the texting system text STOP to the number, you're receiving texts from.
6 - If you stop receiving texts or have a texting issue please text HELP to our customer service # at 208-992-4954
7 - We are NOT associated with Tranont Corporate. We can not assist you with any Tranont Apps, Compensation pay, or other associate or customer questions. This is specifically just a social media campaign. Please contact Tranont Customer Service or your Upline for help
Posting Instructions:
1st Post (Engagement post):
Choose one of the engagement posts below. Post this to your wall immediately. (unless it's past 9pm). If it is past 9pm then wait until first thing in the morning to post your first engagement post.
Your engagement post will be irresistible and many who see it will want to chime in.
Photo Instructions:
Phone: Click on the image, press & hold finger on the images to save to your phone.
Computer: Right click on image & save to downloads folder.
FB STORY: Make sure to add the same engagement post that you chose for your timeline to your story. Have fun customizing any images in your stories with your own GIFs, stickers, and music.
2nd Post (EXCITED Post): Important. Wait to post your excited post 5 to 7 hours after your 1st engagement post. Choose 1 of your favorite captions below to copy & paste to your wall.
PRO TIP: Best time of day to post (8-10 am, 12 pm, 7 pm).
Caption 1:
OMG! I just did a thing & I am soooo EXCITED! 😃
Stay tuned…
Caption 2:
“You must be willing to give up what you are, to become who you want.”
HUGE things are happening over here right NOW! I’m stepping out on faith & making a BIG move!
Are you shocked? Floored? Intrigued? Y’all know when I do things – I do things BIG.
You’ve watched me climb mountains before – Here’s to a new hike. 🏔 YES!!
ACTION: Take an excited picture of yourself (see examples below for ideas on how to pose) & put it with the caption you choose. It's called FACEbook for a reason 👍
If Someone asks what it's all about - thats when you move the conversation into Messenger & you can reply to the comment on the post with "Hey lady, just sent you a message" or "Hey Bro, check your messenger"
The Impact System